Executive Benefits

In today’s competitive business environment, it’s critical to provide non-qualified benefits for the key people within your organization who you count on to provide the leadership and innovation that drives your company’s success. At Ridgecrest Wealth Management, we leverage decades of experience assisting with designing, implementing, and administering executive benefits programs. Our mission is to serve the long-term and increasingly complex needs of companies and their key executives.

Due to the limitations imposed by the government on contributions to qualified plans, senior executives and directors can be placed at a severe disadvantage if a company does not offer programs that fully leverage the available tax advantages. Drawing on our strong relationships with institutional partners that provide us with a broad array of cutting-edge investment and insurance tools, our services include assisting with the design of programs that strive to:

  • Allow executives to defer a larger percentage of their pay for greater retirement benefits
  • Provide an executive the option to elect early retirement
  • Allow corporate directors to defer board fees into a tax-efficient deferral program
  • Attract executives or directors by replacing retirement benefits lost when they leave the pension plans of a former employer
  • Create “golden handcuffs” for key management personnel
  • Reward key employees for performance goals or length of service

Ridgecrest Wealth Management helps design executive compensation plans for public corporations, nonprofit organizations, and privately held companies. These plans may cover the board of directors as well as key executives. Our work involves helping institutions:

  • Designing incentive plans with appropriate funding, with the goal of benefiting both the company and the executive
  • Integrating compensation packages that tie into individual estate plans
  • Carving our charitable giving plans where appropriate, including establishing charitable foundations
  • Deferring compensation through non-qualified plans
  • Coordinating with in-house Financial, Legal, and Human Resource departments
  • Communicating with and educating executives to help ensure that they understand and appreciate their benefits plans